June 18, 2012

Quitting Alcoholism Day 2 (part two) (I Want To Sleep With You)

Posted in Alcoholism, Uncategorized tagged , , , , , , , , , at 7:28 am by Yeah, So, I Quit

By “You” I mean my husband.  I was practicing the art of “grabbing attention” with the title.

Not long ago, I went to bed.  First, I had my leg outside of the covers; this annoyed my husband.  Then he put his hand on my hip, and his fingernails scratched and tickled me; this annoyed me.  I shoved his hand off me.  He put his arm up, which put his elbow in position to bang my head.  It only got worse.

Then I said I would go sleep on the couch.  This hurt his feelings.  Then I thought about how it is so much better when I just drink until four and pass out (usually in bed) and we don’t go through this whole period of annoying each other and hurting each other’s feelings.

Oh, and also there is sex.

Or rather, there is not.  In the past year we have had sex four times.  Three of those times were because I got drunk and had my way with him.

And this is all beginning to look like a good defense for my “Magic Awesome-making Juice” … but it’s not.  And I am trying REALLY hard to resist the urge.  Any thinking person might be wondering why I even have temptation in my home during my drying out period.  In case it isn’t obvious by now, my husband has made no such choice.

What does my poison do?  It devastates my inhibitions.  It makes me forget, at least for a moment, that I have horrible body image.  It also does that whole dry boogers and dry eyes thing, so just think about what that does when you’re making borderline violent love.

So, even if we wanted to go back for seconds… there’s no going again, not for quite a while.  Not until everyone has healed.  And by that time we have gone back to our reasons for not.

What are our reasons not to celebrate our wedded bliss?


1. When a man drinks it decreases performance, he doesn’t want to attempt and be reminded he can’t.  He may decide to initiate foreplay the next morning. 1. When a woman drinks and gets turned down, then gets stabbed in the hip the next morning (in the midst of her hangover), she does not find this sexy.
2. Repeated refusals lead to resignation. 2. Repeated refusals lead to resignation.
3. Resignation increases depression and leads back to drinking.  See step 1. 3. Resignation increases depression and leads back to drinking.  See step 1.
4. Drinking alone increases depression, physically and emotionally.  See steps ALL. 4. Drinking alone increases depression, physically and emotionally.  See steps ALL.
5. Depression, resignation, and drinking increase poor self-image. The cycle repeats: but with more drinking and depression and less making love and being sexy and you know it.  Spiralling to obscene depths. 5. Depression, resignation, and drinking increase poor self-image. The cycle repeats: but with more drinking and depression and less making love and being sexy and you know it.  Spiralling to obscene depths.

Men and women are really a lot alike.

I hadn’t actually intended it to work out that way when I began to make that table.  But it’s true.  Without my poison to embolden me, it is practically impossible to overcome my horrible self-image.  Sure, he tells me that I’m gorgeous and blah, blah, blah… but then why hasn’t he made love to me?  That question voiced as an irrational woman, not somebody who just wrote a table on that very topic.  However, if by some freak chance I do have some sober moment of feeling hot, I consider his feelings.  Despite the fact that I find him to be dead sexy and the most handsome man in the world, I know that he doesn’t feel the same about himself.  I shy away from stroking a manly shoulder that I know he sees as being “not as sculpted” as it was 20 years ago.  I won’t touch his powerful, muscular thigh that I know he sees as a little soft.

I resist touching this man who I find so amazing, because I don’t want my touch to cause him to feel bad.

And the cycle spirals to obscene depths.


  1. Mimi said,

    Give him your touch. What he does with it is HIS business. Give him love. IF he rejects it, fine, try not to take it personally. As for you my dear, love love love yourself. I know you do. By the way, that chart is pretty good! Good luck.

    • I truly appreciate your kind words of advice. I will be gently molesting my husband soon. We’ll see where that goes.

  2. Everyone is beautiful! That’s my motto. It is obvious that your husband loves you very much and sees your beauty. What a lucky person you are! Hold onto it….it is priceless and you are deserving of the gift. Hope you have a really good Monday today. It is an opportunity to start fresh with new hope. You Matter!
    Lots of smiles sent your way, Nancy

    • I am so thankful that you have found your calling in life. You can never know how much this means to me. You can never know fully how much your amazing, uplifting comments mean to each person who may never respond to you.
      Despite my general low self worth, your words ring entirely true to me. Thank you so much.

      • Wow! Thanks for making MY Monday special. This is really sweet. Keep looking forward. You’ll reach your goal I’m sure. Just keep counting the good things in your life….sounds like your life is filled with many of them. You Matter! Smiles, Nancy

  3. Tar-Buns said,

    Powerful reflection. You’ve put things into a perspective I hadn’t thought of i.e., he doesn’t feel good about himself, either. You are making me think of my own life and things I need to quit.
    Keep at it. You are a good wordsmith!

    • I am laid pretty bare here. On the whole site, really; but this article is definitely quite intimate. I firmly believe that there are many married couples who are going through this very thing. By no means could I write a book and become a public speaker on the topic. But if you five or so people who have read it think about it, perhaps apply it to life, maybe share some of my thoughts combined with your own when talking to a friend…. the marriage beds of the world can become a happier place. A New Sexual Revolution, one that results in exquisite fidelity and passionate understanding!
      And it all started here with some woman who is a drunk, a poor house-keeper, and flawed in countless ways… and the lovely people who are encouraging her to make changes.

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